New Lithium Reserves Found in Jammu & Kashmir: India Takes Big Step towards Becoming Self-Reliant in Energy Production

New Lithium Reserves Found in Jammu & Kashmir: India Takes Big Step towards Becoming Self-Reliant in Energy Production


In a significant development for India’s energy sector, lithium reserves have been discovered in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir. The discovery was made by the Geological Survey of India (GSI) and is expected to have a significant impact on India’s energy industry.

Lithium is a crucial component used in the manufacturing of batteries that power electric vehicles (EVs), smartphones, laptops, and other electronic devices. Currently, India imports most of its lithium requirements from countries such as China, Australia, and Chile. The discovery of lithium reserves in India could reduce the country’s dependence on foreign imports and help to establish a domestic supply chain.

According to the GSI, the lithium deposits in the Ladakh region are of high quality and are estimated to be around 5.9 tonnes. The organization has stated that further exploration in the region could lead to the discovery of additional reserves.

The discovery has been welcomed by the Indian government, which has set an ambitious target of achieving 100% EV sales by 2030. The lack of domestic lithium reserves has been a significant obstacle to achieving this goal, as it has made EVs expensive and unaffordable for many consumers. The discovery of lithium reserves in the Ladakh region could help to address this issue and make EVs more accessible for Indian consumers.

The discovery has also been welcomed by the global community, as India is one of the largest importers of lithium in the world. The discovery of domestic reserves could increase the stability of the global lithium market and reduce the volatility of lithium prices.

The GSI has stated that it will continue to explore the Ladakh region for additional lithium reserves and work towards establishing a domestic supply chain. The discovery of lithium reserves in Jammu and Kashmir is a significant step towards achieving India’s goal of becoming a global leader in the production of clean energy.

The Indian government has also expressed its commitment to promoting the development of a domestic lithium industry, which could create thousands of jobs and help to boost the country’s economic growth. The discovery of lithium reserves in Jammu and Kashmir is a positive development for India’s energy industry and could have far-reaching implications for the country’s economy and global energy market.

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